
#548: Ending

Previous comic
10-20-06 Yeah, so I ended the comic. I've been doing it for a long fucking time (way before I even heard of Keenspace) so I'm ready to move on to new things. I'll post here again when I launch my next project, and in the mean-time you can check out the other comics I still write: Orange Revolution and Deep. Bye, so long, have a nice existence, and if you wanna e-mail me my address is at the bottom of the page.


SEP Oct 2006
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Other comics I do!

All this garbage is copyrighted 2006 by Jay Goldberg. If you wanna say some stuff I'm at LibertyCabbage@hotmail.com

Thanks to Fractured Simplicity and Photoshop Brushes for making the brushes I used to make the grungey images on the website.

Freedom Fries is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.